my soulmate


I’ve searched all around
Trying to find my love
Then you came into my life
I’ve left my searching behind

You’ve become my soul mate
And will be to the end
You’re not only my soul mate
But my best friend

My searching is over
For I found one so true
My darling you know
My true love is you……..

8 Tanggapan to “my soulmate”

  1. Adam Saputra Says:

    hkhkhkhkhkhkhkhhkhkhkhk 😀

  2. yukeagustin Says:

    au ah gelep 🙂

  3. bani6up Says:

    siapo nean gisba ? SOULMATE kau nie? *lah sampe true love true love an.. ?

  4. bani6up Says:

    siapo nean gisna ? SOULMATE kau nie? *lah sampe true love true love an.. ?

  5. mediantario Says:

    dak ngerti ghe
    translate ke ye 😀

  6. selvyanyayu Says:

    Alay 😀

  7. gisnawirdya Says:

    apo sih kamu ni, cuma poem biaso woo ini ni
    idak alay 😀

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